Thursday, 14 June 2012

Getting Rid of the Harmful Effects of Lead

If you are not yet aware about lead in drinking water being a potential health hazard and if you are consuming it without purification, you are taking big risks on your health and on the health of your family members. Children are the worst sufferers. It has been proven by research that 20 percent of children suffering from diseases related to lead have consumed unpurified water. Considering the increasing harm caused by lead to children and adults alike, Eureka Forbes has introduced the Aquaguard Reviva. This purifier is an RO system that comes incorporated with ‘reverse osmosis plus reviva’ technology which works wonders in removing harmful lead during the purification process.

Well, even fetuses get affected if pregnant mothers consume lead in drinking water. Infants and young children are more vulnerable to lead poisoning. And it has been proven to cause damage of the brain. Why wait and take risks. Get the Aquaguard Reviva installed in your kitchen before lead takes a toll on your lives.

Levels of lead contamination differ from place to place. If water in your area has high levels of lead, regular consumption can result in convulsions, major neurological damage, organ failure, and coma. It can also cause death. Moderate or low levels cause learning disabilities besides inhibiting growth and causing hearing loss. Immediate results can be flu or other gastrointestinal disease. Wait not further and get the Aquaguard Reviva. It is not only lead that Aquaguard Reviva removes; the A-Z of contaminants also gets eliminated.

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